Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tomcat+Java Installation.
I chose to install Sun's Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, which can be downloaded from I chose the J2SE v1.4.2 SDK Linux self-extracting binary file.
Change to the directory where you downloaded the SDK and make the self-extracting binary executable:
chmod +x j2sdk-1_4_2-linux-i586.bin
Run the self-extracting binary:
here should now be a directory called j2sdk1.4.2 in the download directory. Move the SDK directory to where you want it to be installed. I chose to install it in /usr/java. Create /usr/java if it doesn't exist. Here is the command I used from inside the download directory:
mv j2sdk1.4.2 /usr/java
Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, by modifying /etc/profile so it includes the following:
export JAVA_HOME
/etc/profile is run at startup and when a user logs into the system, so you will need to log out and log back in for JAVA_HOME to be defined.
You should have to logout from the server to check whether its workgin fine.
su -
Check to make sure JAVA_HOME is defined correctly using the command below. You should see the path to your Java SDK.
Check to make sure JAVA_HOME is defined correctly using the command below. You should see the path to your Java SDK.
TOMCAT Installation
Download it from
You will install and configure Tomcat as root; however, you should create a dedicated group and user account for Tomcat to run under as follows:
groupadd tomcat
useradd -g tomcat tomcat
tar xvzf apche-tomcat-5.0.28.tar.gz
mv jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28 /usr/local/
chown -R tomcat.tomcat /usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.0.28
cd /usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.0.28/bin
tar -xvzf jsvc.tar.gz
cd jsvc-src
chmod +x configure
cp jsvc ..
cd ..
open web browser and type http://localhost:8080/ you should see the Tomcat Administration page
go to webapps/ROOT in the tomcat directory and create page hello.html and write in it
Hello Tomcat
open the URL http://localhost:8080/hello.html you should see your page
* Make JSP page
go to webapps/ROOT in the tomcat directory and create page hello.jsp and write in it the following lines
< %=new String("Hello Ahmed Hashim")% >
< %=new java.util.Date()% >
save and run the following URL http://localhost:8080/hello.jsp you should see my Name
* Monitor Tomcat
you can see the log file in the logs directory
* Stop Tomcat
go to the tomcat bin directory
You can add users in
cd /usr/local/tomcat/conf
vi tomcat-users.xml
And access it at
Username : from tomcat-users.xml
Password : l...
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Spamd Failed
Here is possible way to fix this problem. It appears to happen because of some bad CPAN links setup through cpanel. This should clear it out and hopefully restart spamd.
Logged in as root via ssh do the following:
rm -rf /home/.cpan
rm -rf /root/.cpan
rm -rf /root/.cpcpan
/scripts/eximup --force
/etc/init.d/exim restart
Hopes this will fix the issue. :)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
ps -el --->full listing of all process running on s/m
prtdiag --->no of cpus present in the s/m
pkill -9 -u username
There are two ways to restart LiteSpeed:
1. Login to LiteSpeed's control panel and go to "Control -> Apply Changes/Graceful Restart".
2. Connect to your account using an SSH client and execute the following commands:
cd ~/webapps/(Application Name)/bin/
./lswsctrl restart
/opt/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart
Stop mysql server
/etc/init.d/mysql.server stop
Start mysql in safe mode
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=root --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &
NOw the mysql will be running in the background in safe mode. You will be able to klogin as root by just using
mysql -u root
Once you got in you can use the following commands to reset the root password.
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('qwert123') WHERE User='root'; //Here password is qwert123
Now just quit from the mysql prompt and try using the new password
mysql -u root -p
When it ask for passwprd, provide the new password. It will work.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
RPM Upgrade
we have added the option -vv here, so that there is visible progress and lots of detail during the rebuild process -- A worried admin is often impatient at a lack of visible progress -- this option causes the rebuild process to be quite verbose
The way a rpm --rebuilddb command works, it creates a temporary directory to work in at: /var/lib/, next to the 'parent' one at: /var/lib/rpm/ and attempts a rebuild. As it gets to the very bottom of a normal rebuild, it replaces the new content over top of the old files.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Basic Commands
A calculator program that handles arbitrary precision (very large) numbers. It is useful for doing any kind of calculation on the command-line. Its use is left as an exercise.
cal [[0-12] 1-9999]
Prints out a nicely formatted calender of the current month, a specified month, or a specified whole year. Try cal 1 for fun, and cal 9 1752, when the pope had a few days scrapped to compensate for round-off error.
Writes the contents of all the files listed to the screen. cat can join a lot of files together with cat
Erases all the text in the current terminal.
Prints out the current date and time. (The command time, though, does something entirely different.)
Stands for disk free and tells you how much free space is left on your system. The available space usually has the units of kilobytes (1024 bytes) (although on some other UNIX systems this will be 512 bytes or 2048 bytes). The right-most column tells the directory (in combination with any directories below that) under which that much space is available.
Directory compare. This command compares directories to see if changes have been made between them. You will often want to see where two trees differ (e.g., check for missing files), possibly on different computers. Run man dircmp (that is, dircmp(1)). (This is a System 5 command and is not present on LINUX. You can, however, compare directories with the Midnight Commander, mc).
Stands for disk usage and prints out the amount of space occupied by a directory. It recurses into any subdirectories and can print only a summary with du -s
Prints a complete log of all messages printed to the screen during the bootup process. This is useful if you blinked when your machine was initializing. These messages might not yet be meaningful, however.
Prints a message to the terminal. Try echo 'hello there', echo $[10*3+2], echo `$[10*3+2]'. The command echo -e allows interpretation of certain backslash sequences, for example echo -e "\a", which prints a bell, or in other words, beeps the terminal. echo -n does the same without printing the trailing newline. In other words, it does not cause a wrap to the next line after the text is printed. echo -e -n "\b", prints a back-space character only, which will erase the last character printed.
Logs you out.
Calculates the numerical expression expression. Most arithmetic operations that you are accustomed to will work. Try expr 5 + 10 '*' 2. Observe how mathematical precedence is obeyed (i.e., the * is worked out before the +).
Prints out the type of data contained in a file. file portrait.jpg will tell you that portrait.jpg is a JPEG image data, JFIF standard. The command file detects an enormous amount of file types, across every platform. file works by checking whether the first few bytes of a file match certain tell-tale byte sequences. The byte sequences are called magic numbers. Their complete list is stored in /usr/share/magic. [The word ``magic'' under UNIX normally refers to byte sequences or numbers that have a specific meaning or implication. So-called magic numbers are invented for source code, file formats, and file systems.]
Prints out available free memory. You will notice two listings: swap space and physical memory. These are contiguous as far as the user is concerned. The swap space is a continuation of your installed memory that exists on disk. It is obviously slow to access but provides the illusion of much more available RAM and avoids the possibility of ever running out of memory (which can be quite fatal).
head [-n
Prints the first
hostname [
With no options, hostname prints the name of your machine, otherwise it sets the name to
kbdrate -r
Changes the repeat rate of your keys. Most users will like this rate set to kbdrate -r 32 -d 250 which unfortunately is the fastest the PC can go.
Displays a long file by stopping at the end of each page. Run the following: ls -l /bin > bin-ls, and then try more bin-ls. The first command creates a file with the contents of the output of ls. This will be a long file because the directory /bin has a great many entries. The second command views the file. Use the space bar to page through the file. When you get bored, just press Q. You can also try ls -l /bin | more which will do the same thing in one go.
The GNU version of more, but with extra features. On your system, the two commands may be the same. With less, you can use the arrow keys to page up and down through the file. You can do searches by pressing ?, and then typing in a word to search for and then pressing Enter.
Opens a URL [URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator--a web address.]at the console. Try lynx
Another text-based web browser.
Runs a command in the background, appending any output the command may produce to the file nohup.out in your home directory. nohup has the useful feature that the command will continue to run even after you have logged out. Uses for nohup will become obvious later.
Pauses for
Prints a file with lines sorted in alphabetical order. Create a file called telephone with each line containing a short telephone book entry. Then type sort telephone, or sort telephone | less and see what happens. sort takes many interesting options to sort in reverse ( sort -r), to eliminate duplicate entries ( sort -u), to ignore leading whitespace ( sort -b), and so on. See the sort(1) for details.
strings [-n
Writes out a binary file, but strips any unreadable characters. Readable groups of characters are placed on separate lines. If you have a binary file that you think may contain something interesting but looks completely garbled when viewed normally, use strings to sift out the interesting stuff: try less /bin/cp and then try strings /bin/cp. By default strings does not print sequences smaller than 4. The -n option can alter this limit.
split ...
Splits a file into many separate files. This might have been used when a file was too big to be copied onto a floppy disk and needed to be split into, say, 360-KB pieces. Its sister, csplit, can split files along specified lines of text within the file. The commands are seldom used on their own but are very useful within programs that manipulate text.
Writes the contents of all the files listed to the screen, reversing the order of the lines--that is, printing the last line of the file first. tac is cat backwards and behaves similarly.
tail [-f] [-n
Prints the last
Prints the name of the UNIX operating system you are currently using. In this case, LINUX.
Prints a file with duplicate lines deleted. The file must first be sorted.
Pauses for
wc [-c] [-w] [-l]
Counts the number of bytes (with -c for character), or words (with -w), or lines (with -l) in a file.
Gives the first line of the man page corresponding to
Prints your login name.
Compressed Files
Files typically contain a lot of data that one can imagine might be represented with a smaller number of bytes. Take for example the letter you typed out. The word ``the'' was probably repeated many times. You were probably also using lowercase letters most of the time. The file was by far not a completely random set of bytes, and it repeatedly used spaces as well as using some letters more than others. [English text in fact contains, on average, only about 1.3 useful bits (there are eight bits in a byte) of data per byte.]Because of this the file can be compressed to take up less space. Compression involves representing the same data by using a smaller number of bytes, in such a way that the original data can be reconstructed exactly. Such usually involves finding patterns in the data. The command to compress a file is gzip
You previously used the command cat to view a file. You can use the command zcat to do the same thing with a compressed file. Gzip a file and then type zcat
A new addition to the arsenal is bzip2. This is a compression program very much like gzip, except that it is slower and compresses 20%-30% better. It is useful for compressing files that will be downloaded from the Internet (to reduce the transfer volume). Files that are compressed with bzip2 have an extension .bz2. Note that the improvement in compression depends very much on the type of data being compressed. Sometimes there will be negligible size reduction at the expense of a huge speed penalty, while occasionally it is well worth it. Files that are frequently compressed and uncompressed should never use bzip2.
4.14 Searching for Files
You can use the command find to search for files. Change to the root directory, and enter find. It will spew out all the files it can see by recursively descending [Goes into each subdirectory and all its subdirectories, and repeats the command find. ] into all subdirectories. In other words, find, when executed from the root directory, prints all the files on the system. find will work for a long time if you enter it as you have--press Ctrl-C to stop it.
Now change back to your home directory and type find again. You will see all your personal files. You can specify a number of options to find to look for specific files.
find -type d
Shows only directories and not the files they contain.
find -type f
Shows only files and not the directories that contain them, even though it will still descend into all directories.
find -name
Finds only files that have the name
find -size [[+|-]]
Finds only files that have a size larger (for +) or smaller (for -) than
Starts find in each of the specified directories.
There are many more options for doing just about any type of search for a file. See find(1) for more details (that is, run man 1 find). Look also at the -exec option which causes find to execute a command for each file it finds, for example:
find /usr -type f -exec ls '-al' '{}' ';'
find has the deficiency of actively reading directories to find files. This process is slow, especially when you start from the root directory. An alternative command is locate
Try these ( updatedb will take several minutes):
locate rpm
locate deb
locate passwd
locate HOWTO
locate README
Searching Within Files
Very often you will want to search through a number of files to find a particular word or phrase, for example, when a number of files contain lists of telephone numbers with people's names and addresses. The command grep does a line-by-line search through a file and prints only those lines that contain a word that you have specified. grep has the command summary:
| grep [options] |
[The words word, string, or pattern are used synonymously in this context, basically meaning a short length of letters and-or numbers that you are trying to find matches for. A pattern can also be a string with kinds of wildcards in it that match different characters, as we shall see later.]
Run grep for the word ``the'' to display all lines containing it: grep 'the' Mary_Jones.letter. Now try grep 'the' *.letter.
- grep -n
- shows the line number in the file where the word was found.
- grep -
- prints out
of the lines that came before and after each of the lines in which the word was found. - grep -A
- prints out
of the lines that came After each of the lines in which the word was found. - grep -B
- prints out
of the lines that came Before each of the lines in which the word was found. - grep -v
- prints out only those lines that do not contain the word you are searching for. [ You may think that the -v option is no longer doing the same kind of thing that grep is advertised to do: i.e., searching for strings. In fact, UNIX commands often suffer from this--they have such versatility that their functionality often overlaps with that of other commands. One actually never stops learning new and nifty ways of doing things hidden in the dark corners of man pages.]
- grep -i
- does the same as an ordinary grep but is case insensitive.
A regular expression is a sequence of characters that forms a template used to search for strings [Words, phrases, or just about any sequence of characters. ] within text. In other words, it is a search pattern. To get an idea of when you would need to do this, consider the example of having a list of names and telephone numbers. If you want to find a telephone number that contains a 3 in the second place and ends with an 8, regular expressions provide a way of doing that kind of search. Or consider the case where you would like to send an email to fifty people, replacing the word after the ``Dear'' with their own name to make the letter more personal. Regular expressions allow for this type of searching and replacing.
Many utilities use the regular expression to give them greater power when manipulating text. The grep command is an example. Previously you used the grep command to locate only simple letter sequences in text. Now we will use it to search for regular expressions.
In the previous chapter you learned that the ? character can be used to signify that any character can take its place. This is said to be a wildcard and works with file names. With regular expressions, the wildcard to use is the . character. So, you can use the command grep .3....8
Regular expressions are used for line-by-line searches. For instance, if the seven characters were spread over two lines (i.e., they had a line break in the middle), then grep wouldn't find them. In general, a program that uses regular expressions will consider searches one line at a time.
Here are some regular expression examples that will teach you the regular expression basics. We use the grep command to show the use of regular expressions (remember that the -w option matches whole words only). Here the expression itself is enclosed in ' quotes for reasons that are explained later.
grep -w 't[a-i]e'
Matches the words tee, the, and tie. The brackets have a special significance. They mean to match one character that can be anything from a to i.
grep -w 't[i-z]e'
Matches the words tie and toe.
grep -w 'cr[a-m]*t'
Matches the words craft, credit, and cricket. The * means to match any number of the previous character, which in this case is any character from a through m.
grep -w 'kr.*n'
Matches the words kremlin and krypton, because the . matches any character and the * means to match the dot any number of times.
egrep -w '(th|sh).*rt'
Matches the words shirt, short, and thwart. The | means to match either the th or the sh. egrep is just like grep but supports extended regular expressions that allow for the | feature. [ The | character often denotes a logical OR, meaning that either the thing on the left or the right of the | is applicable. This is true of many programming languages. ] Note how the square brackets mean one-of-several-characters and the round brackets with |'s mean one-of-several-words.
grep -w 'thr[aeiou]*t'
Matches the words threat and throat. As you can see, a list of possible characters can be placed inside the square brackets.
grep -w 'thr[^a-f]*t'
Matches the words throughput and thrust. The ^ after the first bracket means to match any character except the characters listed. For example, the word thrift is not matched because it contains an f.
The above regular expressions all match whole words (because of the -w option). If the -w option was not present, they might match parts of words, resulting in a far greater number of matches. Also note that although the * means to match any number of characters, it also will match no characters as well; for example: t[a-i]*e could actually match the letter sequence te, that is, a t and an e with zero characters between them.
Usually, you will use regular expressions to search for whole lines that match, and sometimes you would like to match a line that begins or ends with a certain string. The ^ character specifies the beginning of a line, and the $ character the end of the line. For example, ^The matches all lines that start with a The, and hack$ matches all lines that end with hack, and '^ *The.*hack *$' matches all lines that begin with The and end with hack, even if there is whitespace at the beginning or end of the line.
Because regular expressions use certain characters in a special way (these are . \ [ ] * + ?), these characters cannot be used to match characters. This restriction severely limits you from trying to match, say, file names, which often use the . character. To match a . you can use the sequence \. which forces interpretation as an actual . and not as a wildcard. Hence, the regular expression myfile.txt might match the letter sequence myfileqtxt or myfile.txt, but the regular expression myfile\.txt will match only myfile.txt.
You can specify most special characters by adding a \ character before them, for example, use \[ for an actual [, a \$ for an actual $, a \\ for and actual \, \+ for an actual +, and \? for an actual ?. ( ? and + are explained below.)
The fgrep Command
fgrep is an alternative to grep. The difference is that while grep (the more commonly used command) matches regular expressions, fgrep matches literal strings. In other words you can use fgrep when you would like to search for an ordinary string that is not a regular expression, instead of preceding special characters with \.
5.3 Regular Expression \{ \} Notation
x* matches zero to infinite instances of a character x. You can specify other ranges of numbers of characters to be matched with, for example, x\{3,5\}, which will match at least three but not more than five x's, that is xxx, xxxx, or xxxxx.
x\{4\} can then be used to match 4 x's exactly: no more and no less. x\{7,\} will match seven or more x's--the upper limit is omitted to mean that there is no maximum number of x's.
As in all the examples above, the x can be a range of characters (like [a-k]) just as well as a single charcter.
grep -w 'th[a-t]\{2,3\}t'
Matches the words theft, thirst, threat, thrift, and throat.
grep -w 'th[a-t]\{4,5\}t'
Matches the words theorist, thicket, and thinnest.
Extended Regular Expression + ? \< \> ( ) |
Notation with egrep
An enhanced version of regular expressions allows for a few more useful features. Where these conflict with existing notation, they are only available through the egrep command.
is analogous to \{1,\}. It does the same as * but matches one or more characters instead of zero or more characters.
is analogous to \{1\}. It matches zero or one character.
\< \>
can surround a string to match only whole words.
( )
can surround several strings, separated by |. This notation will match any of these strings. ( egrep only.)
\( \)
can surround several strings, separated by \|. This notation will match any of these strings. ( grep only.)
The following examples should make the last two notations clearer.
grep 'trot'
Matches the words electrotherapist, betroth, and so on, but
grep '\
matches only the word trot.
egrep -w '(this|that|c[aeiou]*t)'
Matches the words this, that, cot, coat, cat, and cut.
Command Line Shortcuts
Move to the beginning of the line (Home).
Move to the end of the line (End).
Erase backward (backspace).
Erase forward (Delete).
Move forward one character (Right Arrow).
Move backward one character (Left Arrow).
Move forward one word.
Move backward one word.
Erase forward one word.
Erase backward one word.
Previous command (up arrow).
Next command (down arrow).
Your command-line keeps a history of all the commands you have typed in. Ctrl-p and Ctrl-n will cycle through previous commands entered. New users seem to gain tremendous satisfaction from typing in lengthy commands over and over. Never type in anything more than once--use your command history instead.
Ctrl-s is used to suspend the current session, causing the keyboard to stop responding. Ctrl-q reverses this condition.
Ctrl-r activates a search on your command history. Pressing Ctrl-r in the middle of a search finds the next match whereas Ctrl-s reverts to the previous match (although some distributions have this confused with suspend).
The Tab command is tremendously useful for saving key strokes. Typing a partial directory name, file name, or command, and then pressing Tab once or twice in sequence completes the word for you without your having to type it all in full.
You can make Tab and other keys stop beeping in the irritating way that they do by editing the file /etc/inputrc and adding the line
set bell-style none
Yum Configuration ( Yummy feast)
If you don't have yum then download it from project home page
And then install it
rpm -ivh yum*
Step # 1: Configure yum
You need to edit /etc/yum.conf and modify/add following code to it:
vi /etc/yum.conf
Append or edit code as follows:
name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Base
Save the file
Install GPG signature key with rpm command:
# rpm --import
and other keys too (if any using above command)
Step # 2 Update your package list:
# yum check-update
Step # 3 start to use yum
Install a new package called foo
# yum install foo
To update packages
# yum update
To update a single package called bar
# yum update bar
To remove a package called telnet
# yum remove telnet
To list all packages
# yum list installed
You can search using grep command
# yum list installed | grep samba
Display information on a package called foo
# yum info foo
To display list of packages for which updates are available
# yum list updates
name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
rpm --import
# PUT YOUR REPOS HERE OR IN separate files named file.repo
# in /etc/yum.repos.d
How to Prevent ddos attack
You can detect the ddos using the following command
netstat -anp|grep tcp|awk '{print $5}'| cut -d : -f1|sort|uniq -c|sort -n
It will shows the number of connections from all IPs to the server.
There are plenty of ways to prevent, stop, fight and kill off DDoS attack, such as using firewall. A low cost, and probably free method is by using software based firewall or filtering service. (D)DoS-Deflate is a free open source Unix/Linux script by MediaLayer that automatically mitigate (D)DoS attacks. It claims to be the best, free, open source solution to protect servers against some of the most excruciating DDoS attacks.
(D)DoS-Deflate script basically monitors and tracks the IP addresses are sending and establishing large amount of TCP network connections such as mass emailing, DoS pings, HTTP requests) by using “netstat” command, which is the symptom of a denial of service attack. When it detects number of connections from a single node that exceeds certain preset limit, the script will automatically uses APF or IPTABLES to ban and block the IPs. Depending on the configuration, the banned IP addresses would be unbanned using APF or IPTABLES (only works on APF v 0.96 or better).
Installation and setup of (D)DOS-Deflate on the server is extremely easy. Simply login as root by open SSH secure shell access to the server, and run the the following commands one by one:
chmod 0700
To uninstall the (D)DOS-Deflate, run the following commands one by one instead:
chmod 0700 uninstall.ddos
The configuration file for (D)DOS-Deflate is ddos.conf, and by default it will have the following values:
Users can change any of these settings to suit the different need or usage pattern of different servers. It’s also possible to whitelist and permanently unblock (never ban) IP addresses by listing them in /usr/local/ddos/ignore.ip.list file. If you plan to execute and run the script interactively, users can set KILL=0 so that any bad IPs detected are not banned
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Iptables Introduction
iptables is the userspace command line program used to configure the Linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x IPv4 packet filtering ruleset. It is targeted towards system administrators.
Since Network Address Translation is also configured from the packet filter ruleset, iptables is used for this, too.
The iptables package also includes ip6tables. ip6tables is used for configuring the IPv6 packet filter.
iptables requires a kernel that features the ip_tables packet filter. This includes all 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel releases.
Main Features
* listing the contents of the packet filter ruleset
* adding/removing/modifying rules in the packet filter ruleset
* listing/zeroing per-rule counters of the packet filter ruleset
* If you create a set of rules in iptables during one session and then reboot your computer, all the rules that were added will be lost.
* If you want the rules to persist, you should put the commands to add them into a startup script.
* To check what rules are already implemented:
o Type into a terminal window:
ComputerName:~# iptables -L
o A list of the present rules will appear on the screen under a variety of headings.
Rule Components
* There are three basic components to each rule:
1. Where to apply the rule during the process of sending and receiving network traffic (packets). There are three different places, or chains:
1. INPUT: Applies rules to packets being received from the network.
2. OUPUT: Applies rules to packets being sent from your computer.
3. FORWARD: Applies rules to packets that your machine is forwarding to others on the network.
2. What type of effect the rule has, regardless of where it is applied. The 3 effects are:
1. ACCEPT: Accepts a given packet and allows it to pass either in or out.
2. DENY: Does not allow a packet to pass but sends an error message back to its sender.
3. DROP: Completely ignores a packet without sending an error message to its sender.
Each chain also has a default policy (usually ACCEPT) that is applied if a specific packet does not match any rules.
3. The location you want to block packets from or going to, usually called the source can be written as either an IP address or a DNS name (such as
* Each of these three components are used to create a rule through command line arguments.
Back to top
Adding a Rule
* To add a rule:
o Use the argument -A
o Add the source with the option -s
o Specify the desired effect with the -j
For example, if we wanted to block information coming from we would enter:
ComputerName:~# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
o Typing # iptables -L again will now show the new rule under the INPUT chain heading. It should look like this:
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
DROP all -- anywhere
Back to top
Removing a Rule
* Removing a rule:
o Type the argument -D
ComputerName:~# iptables -D INPUT 1
o Now, typing:
# iptables -L
should show that the rule has been deleted.
Back to top
Advanced Rule Examples:
* There are many other advanced options for these rules, one of the most important of which is the ability to specify what "type" of packets to block by blocking specific ports on which certain services operate. For example, we could specify that we wanted to block only packets going into port 23, named telnet packets, coming into your computer from by writing the rule:
ComputerName:~# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP -p tcp --destination-port telnet
* Other ports can be specified. For a full list of ports being used on your computer and the name or type attached to each, go to your /etc/services file.
* Other common ports to block are:
o HTTP (port 80)
o (port 21)
o SSH (22)
* There are also a wide variety of other command line arguments that can be used, but these simple rules so far introduced allow for a wide variety of applications.
o If you wanted to block all incoming telnet connections to your computer:
ComputerName:~# iptables -A INPUT -j DROP -p tcp --destination-port telnet
Since there is no defined source, any telnet request to your computer will be blocked.
o If you have two or more network connections, you can specify which of these connections you would like to apply your rule with -i command for input rules and -o command for output rules. For example, if we would like to block any incoming tcp packets on your second Ethernet connection (eth1):
ComputerName:~# iptables -A INPUT -j DROP -p tcp -i eth1
This rule is not very useful since all incoming ports are blocked. We would not hear any tcp packet replies to our outbound requests, thus rendering our connection for the most part useless.
o We can specify ports that we want open while the rest would remain closed by implementing two rules:
1. Explicitly accept packets on the port we want to open, and
2. Block all of the ports.
o For the web server example above, the first rule would accept tcp packets on port 80 through eth1 and the second would block all incoming tcp traffic. These two rules are given below:
+ ComputerName:~# iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --destination-port 80 -i eth1
+ ComputerName:~# iptables -A INPUT -j DROP -p tcp -i eth1
This combination of rules works because iptables implements the rules in order. When a new incoming tcp packet bound for port 80 arrives, iptables will see the accept rule first and admit the packet before the all-encompassing deny rule takes effect.
o For blocking only incoming tcp transactions but allowing our computer to start new transactions with other web servers or the like, we can use the --syn option in the following rule:
ComputerName:~# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -j DROP
Since all tcp connections must first be initialized, we can block all incoming packets that take the task of initializing the connection, the SYN tcp packets. This basically tells our computer to ignore anything it did not speak to first.
o While the solution above will work, a better implementation is to put the following as the first rule in your list:
ComputerName:~# iptables -A INPUT -m star --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -S ACCEPT
o You could block specific, rowdy users on your network from accessing your computer by blocking their IP, but if his or her IP ever changed they would be able to access your computer once again. Blocking the hardware address or MAC address of their Ethernet card is more efficient. This address is a set of six two-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by colons (ex: 00:0B:DB:45:56:42). The option for specifying a MAC address, --mac-source
ComputerName:~# iptables -A INPUT --mac-source 00:0B:DB:45:56:42 -j DROP
For more information on other command line options for iptables, please refer to the man page.
Monday, February 4, 2008
/etc/fstab entries
For Example:
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,ro,user 0 0
The first field (/dev/hdc) is the physical device/remote filesystem which is to be described.
The second field (/mnt/cdrom) specifies the mount point where the filesystem will be mounted.
The third field (iso9660) is the type of filesystem on the device from the first field.
The fourth field (noauto,ro,user) is a (default) list of options which mount should use when mounting the filesystem.
The fifth field (0) is used by dump (a backup utility) to decide if a filesystem should be backed up. If zero then dump will ignore that filesystem.
The sixth field (0) is used by fsck (the filesystem check utility) to determine the order in which filesystems should be checked.
If zero then fsck won't check the filesystem.
(as the example line above is a cdrom there is very little point in doing a fsck on it, so the value is zero).
Ruby On Rails
This article will guide you through the installation of Ruby on Rails in a linux machine. As you are aware Ruby on Rails made a splash with its simplicity and ease of use for devoloping web applications.
What is Ruby?
Ruby is a pure object-oriented programming language with a super clean syntax that makes programming elegant and fun. Ruby successfully combines Smalltalk's conceptual elegance, Python's ease of use and learning, and Perl's pragmatism. Ruby originated in Japan in the early 1990s, and has started to become popular worldwide in the past few years as more English language books and documentation have become available.
What is Rails?
Rails is an open source Ruby framework for developing database-backed web applications. Rails is designed from the ground up to create dynamic Web sites that use a relational database backend. It adds key words to the Ruby programming language that make Web applications easier to configure. In addition, it̢۪s designed to automatically generate a complete, if somewhat crude, Web application from an existing database schema. The latter is both Ruby̢۪s greatest strength and its Achilles̢۪ heel. Rails makes assumptions about database schema naming conventions that, if followed, make generating a basic Web site a matter of executing single command.
Installing the Software on CentOS .
1. Install Ruby
Need to install the testing repository so add a file named "testing" to the directory /etc/yum.repos.d/ That will allow you to rock ruby 1.8.4.
# packages in testing
name=CentOS-$releasever - Testing
Now you can use yum to install ruby
yum update
yum install ruby ruby-devel ruby-libs irb rdoc
2. Install Gem
cd /usr/local/src
tar -xvzf rubygems-0.8.11.tgz
cd rubygems-0.8.11
ruby setup.rb
cd ..
3. Install fast-cgi
cd /usr/local/src
tar xzvf fcgi-2.4.0.tar.gz
cd fcgi-2.4.0
make install
cd ..
4. Install fast-cgi Bindings
cd /usr/local/src
tar zxvf ruby-fcgi-0.8.6.tar.gz
cd ruby-fcgi-0.8.6
ruby install.rb config
ruby install.rb setup
ruby install.rb install
cd ..
5. Install Rails
gem install rails --include-dependencies
Ruby and Rails on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Make sure you have installed zlib-devel installed otherwise Gem will fail.
up2date zlib-devel
First you need to install ruby installed using rpm's from the machine.
To determine which all rpm's installed
rpm -qa | egrep '(ruby)|(irb)'
To uninstall the installed ruby rpm's
rpm -e ruby-docs-1.8.1-7.EL4.2 \
ruby-1.8.1-7.EL4.2 \
irb-1.8.1-7.EL4.2 \
ruby-libs-1.8.1-7.EL4.2 \
ruby-mode-1.8.1-7.EL4.2 \
ruby-tcltk-1.8.1-7.EL4.2 \
Install Ruby from source
tar xvzf ruby-1.8.4.tar.gz
cd ruby-1.8.4
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install
Install Ruby Gems
tar xvzf rubygems-0.8.11.tgz
cd rubygems-0.8.11
ruby setup.rb
Install Rails
gem update
gem update --system
rm `gem env gempath`/source_cache
rm -f ~/.gem/source_cache
gem update
gem install rails --include-dependencies
Now configuring mod_fastcgi Apache (1.3) config file httpd.conf
1. Install mod_fcgi module
curl -O
tar xvfz mod_fastcgi-2.4.2.tar.gz
cd mod_fastcgi-2.4.2
/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -cia mod_fastcgi.c
2. Configuring httpd.conf
LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/
AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi .fcg .fpl
service httpd restart
3. Edit the .htaccess file
change /dispatch.cgi to /dispatch.fcgi
4. This server has been upgraded to MySQL 4.1
The default Ruby mysql driver will not connect because it is running in old_password compatibility mode (otherwise Ensim cannot connect). In order to fix it we need to reinstall the mysql-ruby client
tar vxzf mysql-ruby-2.5.tar.gz
cd mysql-ruby-2.5
ruby extconf.rb --with-mysql-config=/usr/bin/mysql_config
5. Edit your .htaccess with following entries
#Set to development, test, or production
DefaultInitEnv RAILS_ENV production
Options Indexes ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA]
RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [QSA,L]
DIG Command
Understanding the default output
The most typical, simplest query is for a single host. By default, however, dig is pretty verbose. You probably don̢۪t need all the information in the default output, but it̢۪s probably worth knowing what it is. Below is an annotated query.
This article explains you how to do the data recovery from a crashed windows-plesk server.
$ dig
That̢۪s the command-line invocation of dig I used
; <<>> DiG 9.2.3 <<>>
;; global options: printcmd
The opening section of dig̢۪s output tells us a little about itself (version 9.2.3) and the global options that are set (in this case, printcmd). This part of the output can be quelled by using the +nocmd option, but only if it̢۪s the very first argument on the command line (even preceeding the host you̢۪re querying).
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 43071
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 3
Here, dig tells us some technical details about the answer received from the DNS server. This section of the output can be toggled using the +[no]comments option—but beware that disabling the comments also turns off many section headers.
; IN A
In the question section, dig reminds us of our query. The default query is for an Internet address (A). You can turn this output on or off using the +[no]question option.
Finally, we get our answer: the address of is I don̢۪t know why you̢۪d ever want to turn off the answer, but you can toggle this section of the output using the +[no]answer option.
The authority section tells us what DNS servers can provide an authoritative answer to our query. In this example, has three name servers. You can toggle this section of the output using the +[no]authority option.
;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 171551 IN A 2351 IN A 2351 IN AAAA 2001:4f8:0:2::15
The final section of the default output contains statistics about the query; it can be toggled with the +[no]stats option.
Some useful options with dig
dig will let you perform any valid DNS query, the most common of which are A (the IP address), TXT (text annotations), MX (mail exchanges), NS name servers, or the omnibus ANY.
# get the address(es) for
dig A +noall +answer
# get a list of yahoo's mail servers
dig MX +noall +answer
# get a list of DNS servers authoritative for
dig NS +noall +answer
# get all of the above
dig ANY +noall +answer
#Short answer
dig +short
#To get the TTL values
dig +nocmd mx +noall +short
#To get a long answer
dig +nocmd any +multiline +noall +answer
#To reverselookup
dig -x +short
To bulk lookups # do full lookups for a number of hostnames
#dig -f /path/to/host-list.txt
#the same, with more focused output
dig -f /path/to/host-list.txt +noall +answer
Tracing dig's path
dig +trace
How to interpret TTL value
If you ask your local DNS server for an Internet address, the server figures out where to find an authoritative answer and then asks for it. Once the server receives an answer, it will keep the answer in a local cache so that if you ask for the same address again a short time later, it can give you the answer quickly rather than searching the Internet for it all over again.
When domain administrators configure their DNS records, they decide how long the records should remain in remote caches. This is the TTL number (usually expressed in number of seconds).
When domain administrators configure their DNS records, they decide how long the records should remain in remote caches. This is the TTL number (usually expressed in number of seconds).
For example, as of this writing, the TTL for the MX records for the domain is 300 seconds. The admins are asking that remote servers cache their MX records for no more than five minutes. So when you first ask for that record set, dig will report a TTL of 300.
$ dig +nocmd MX +noall +answer 300 IN MX 20 300 IN MX 10
If you ask a few seconds later, you̢۪ll see the TTL number reduced by approximately the number of seconds you waited to ask again.
$ dig +nocmd MX +noall +answer 280 IN MX 10 280 IN MX 20
If your timing is good, you can catch the record at the very end of its life.
$ dig +nocmd MX +noall +answer 1 IN MX 10 1 IN MX 20
After that, the DNS server you’re querying will â€Å“forget" the answer to that question, so the whole cycle will start over again (in this example, at 300 seconds) the next time you perform that query.
Admin Tools
vmstat helps you to see, among other things, if your server is swapping. Take a look at the following run of vmstat doing a one second refresh for two iterations.
root@sexy [~]# vmstat 1 2
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- ----cpu----
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa
0 0 1172 1689332 333588 663092 0 0 19 113 1 2 3 1 95 1
0 0 1172 1690320 332920 663100 0 0 352 256 355 681 5 3 91 2
The first row shows your server averages. The si (swap in) and so (swap out) columns show if you have been swapping (i.e. needing to dip into 'virtual' memory) in order to run your server's applications. The si/so numbers should be 0 (or close to it). Numbers in the hundreds or thousands indicate your server is swapping heavily. This consumes a lot of CPU and other server resources and you would get a very significant benefit from adding more memory to your server.
Some other columns of interest: The r (runnable) b (blocked) and w (waiting) columns help see your server load. Waiting processes are swapped out. Blocked processes are typically waiting on I/O. The runnable column is the number of processes trying to something. These numbers combine to form the 'load' value on your server. Typically you want the load value to be one or less per CPU in your server.
The bi (bytes in) and bo (bytes out) column show disk I/O (including swapping memory to/from disk) on your server.
The us (user), sy (system) and id (idle) show the amount of CPU your server is using. The higher the idle value, the better.
This command is used to know all the processes running in the server. It can be also used to find out process which is using most of the memory and cpu.
To find out top 3 memory consuming processes.
ps -auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | head -3
To find out top 3 cpu consuming processes
ps -auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | head -3
Say the system is slow and you want to find out who is gobbling up all the CPU and/or memory. To display the top processes, you use the command top.
Note that unlike other commands, top does not produce an output and sits still. It refreshes the screen to display new information. So, if you just issue top and leave the screen up, the most current information is always up. Top runs until you press "q" to quit top.
Let's examine the different types of information produced. The first line:
18:46:13 up 11 days, 21:50, 5 users, load average: 0.11, 0.19, 0.18
shows the current time (18:46:13), that system has been up for 11 days; that the system has been working for 21 hours 50 seconds. The load average of the system is shown (0.11, 0.19, 0.18) for the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes respectively. (By the way, you can also get this information by issuing the uptime command.)
If the load average is not required, press the letter "l" (lowercase L); it will turn it off. To turn it back on press l again. The second line: 151 processes: 147 sleeping, 4 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped shows the number of processes, running, sleeping, etc. The third and fourth lines:
show the CPU utilization details. The above line shows that user processes consume 12.5% and system consumes 6.7%. The user processes include the Oracle processes. Press "t" to turn these three lines off and on. If there are more than one CPU, you will see one line per CPU. The next two lines: Mem: 1026912k av, 1000688k used, 26224k free, 0k shrd, 113624k buff 758668k actv, 146872k in_d, 14460k in_c Swap: 2041192k av, 122476k used, 1918716k free 591776k cached
show the memory available and utilized. Total memory is "1026912k av", approximately 1GB, of which only 26224k or 26MB is free. The swap space is 2GB; but it's almost not used. To turn it off and on, press "m".
The rest of the display shows the processes in a tabular format. Here is the explanation of the columns:
Column Description
PID The process ID of the process
USER The user running the process
PRI The priority of the process
NI The nice value: The higher the value, the lower the priority of the task
SIZE Memory used by this process (code+data+stack)
RSS The physical memory used by this process
SHARE The shared memory used by this process
The status of this process, shown in code. Some major status codes are:
R – Running
S –Sleeping
Z – Zombie
T – Stopped
You can also see second and third characters, which indicate:
W – Swapped out process
N – positive nice value
%CPU The percentage of CPU used by this process
%MEM The percentage of memory used by this process
TIME The total CPU time used by this process
CPU If this is a multi-processor system, this column indicates the ID of the CPU this process is running on.
COMMAND The command issued by this process
While the top is being displayed, you can press a few keys to format
the display as you like. Pressing the uppercase M key sorts the output
by memory usage. (Note that using lowercase m will turn the memory
summary lines on or off at the top of the display.) This is very useful
when you want to find out who is consuming the memory.
Now that you learned how to interpret the output, let's see how to use command line parameters.
The most useful is -d, which indicates the delay between the screen refreshes. To refresh every second, use top -d 1.
The other useful option is -p. If you want to monitor only a few processes, not all, you can specify only those after the -p option. To monitor processes 13609, 13608 and 13554, issue: top -p 13609 -p 13608 -p 13554
This will show results in the same format as the top command, but only those specific processes.
From the previous discussion you learned how to identify a CPU consuming resource. What if you find that a process is consuming a lot of CPU and memory, but you don't want to kill it?
$ skill -STOP 1
The process is effectively frozen. After some time, you may want to revive the process from coma:
$ skill -CONT 16514
The command is very versatile. If you want to stop all processes of the user "test"
$ skill -STOP test>
You can use a user, a PID, a command or terminal id as argument. The following stops all rman commands.
$ skill -STOP rman
As you can see, skill decides that argument you entered—a process ID, userid, or command—and acts appropriately. This may cause an issue in some cases, where you may have a user and a command in the same name. The best example is the "test" process, which is typically run by the user "test". So, when you want to stop the process called "test" and you issue:
$ skill -STOP test
all the processes of user "test" stop, including the session you may be on. To be completely unambiguous you can optionally give a new parameter to specify the type of the parameter. To stop a command called test, you can give:
$ skill -STOP -c test
The command snice is similar. Instead of stopping a process it makes its priority a lower one
The command lsof shows a list of processes attached to open files or network ports. List processes attached to a given file: lsof filenmame
List all open files on system:
To kill the processes
This will perform an orderly shutdown of the process. If it hangs give a stronger signal with:
kill -9 .
This method is not as sanitary and thus less preferred.
A signal may be given to the process. The program must be programmed to handle the given signal. See /usr/include/bits/signum.h for a full list.
To restart a process after updating it's configuration file, issue the command
kill -HUP
The process attached to an open file can be killed using the command fuser:
fuser -ki filename
Now I am going indroduce you to a set of commands that may come handy
find -perm 777 -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; #Command to change all the folders under present directory with 777 to 755
find -perm 755 -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; #Command to change all the folders under present directory with 755 to 644
find -type d -maxdepth 3 -exec cp file {} \; #Copy file to 3 levels of directories below the present directory
find . -name "*.trn" -ctime +3 -exec rm -f {} \; #Forcible remove files with .trn extension and 3 days old.
find . -cmin -5 #Find all files created or updated in the last five minutes:
(Great for finding effects of make install)
ls -lSh #List files by their size
ls -ltr #List files by date
ls -F #Appends a symbol after files and directories
rsync -e ssh -az /currentdirectory IP:/remotedirectory #Sync remote directory with our current directory.
rsync --bwlimit=1000 fromfile tofile #Locally copy with rate limit
gpg -c file #Encrypt file
gpg file.gpg #Decrypt file
du -h --max-depth 1 #Show disk space used by all the files and directories.
du -s * | sort -k1,1rn | head #Show top disk users in current dir.
df -h #Show free disk space
df -i #Show free inodes
Add system swap space for virtual memory paging
Swap space may be a swap partition, a swap file or a combination of the two. One should size swap space to be at least twice the size of the computer's RAM. (but less than 2GB)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=265032 - #Create file filled with zeros of size 256Mb
mkswap /swapfile #Create swap file
swapon /swapfile #Begin use of given swap file. Assign a priority with the "-p" flag.
swapon -s #List swap files
scat /proc/swaps #Same as above
This example refers to a swap file. One may also use a swap partition. Make entry to /etc/fstab to permanently use swap file or partition.
/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0
Note: To remove the use of swap space, use the command swapoff. If using a swap partition, the partition must be unmounted.
Debuggin Tools
strace -c ls >/dev/null #Summarise/profile system calls made by command
strace -f -e open ls >/dev/null #List system calls made by command
ltrace -f -e getenv ls >/dev/null #List library calls made by command
lsof -p $$ #List paths that process id has open
lsof -p PID #List paths PID has open
lsof ~ #List processes that have specified path open
last reboot #Indicates last reboot time
renice +15 PID #To give lower priority for a PID -19 is highest and +20 is lowest
To check number of IP's connecting to port 80
netstat -tanpu |grep :80 |awk {'print $5'} |cut -d: -f1 |sort -n |uniq -c
tcpdump not port 22 #To show network traffic except on port 22
Perl Administration
Installation of perl module can be done from tar file.
tar xzf yourmodule.tar.gz #Untar Module
perl Makefile.PL #Build with PERL makefile:
make install #Install
You can also do this from cpan shell
perl -MCPAN -e shell #First time through it will ask questions Answer "no" to the first question for
cpan> install URI
cpan> i /PerlMagick/ #Inquire about module. (Search by keyword)
Distribution J/JC/JCRISTY/PerlMagick-5.36.tar.gz
Module Image::Magick (J/JC/JCRISTY/PerlMagick-5.36.tar.gz)
cpan> install Image::Magick
cpan> force install Image::Magick #Install a module forcefully.
YUM :RPM Updater
YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) is a client command line application for updating an RPM based system from an internet repository (YUM "yum-arch" server) accessible by URL (http://xxx, ftp://yyy or even file://zzz local or NFS)
yum -y install package-name #To install a package along with its dependencies
yum remove package-name #To remove package
yum list #To list available packages version and state
yum list extras #To list packages not available in repositories but listed in config file
yum list obsoletes #To list packages which are obsoleted by repositories
yum clean all #To list packages which are obsoleted by packages in yum repository
yum update #Update all packages on your system
yum update package-name #Update a package
yum update package-name-prefix\* #Update all with same prefix
You can add new repos in /etc/yum.repos.d with files named file.repo For the option "gpgcheck=1" to work, use the "rpm --import GPG-KEY
rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY
rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora
File: /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo with following entry
name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Base
Additional Commands
tzselect #To change time zone of the machine
command 2>&1 | tee outputfile.txt #Output of a command is send to a text file
wget --mirror #To mirror a site
wget -c #To continue downloading partially downloaded file
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
NTP installation and Date Synchronization
Why should Time be synchronized?
Time usually just advances. If you have communicating programs running on different computers, time still should even advance if you switch from one computer to another. Obviously if one system is ahead of the others, the others are behind that particular one. From the perspective of an external observer, switching between these systems would cause time to jump forward and back, a non-desirable effect.
As a consequence, isolated networks may run their own wrong time, but as soon as you connect to the Internet, effects will be visible. Just imagine some EMail message arrived five minutes before it was sent, and there even was a reply two minutes before the message was sent.
Even on a single computer some applications have trouble when the time jumps backwards. For example, database systems using transactions and crash recovery like to know the time of the last good state.What are the basic features of NTP?
There exist several protocols to synchronize computer clocks, each having distinguished features. Here is a list of NTP's features:
NTP needs some reference clock that defines the true time to operate. All clocks are set towards that true time. (It will not just make all systems agree on some time, but will make them agree upon the true time as defined by some standard.)
NTP uses UTC as reference time
NTP is a fault-tolerant protocol that will automatically select the best of several available time sources to synchronize to. Multiple candidates can be combined to minimize the accumulated error. Temporarily or permanently insane time sources will be detected and avoided.
NTP is highly scalable: A synchronization network may consist of several reference clocks. Each node of such a network can exchange time information either bidirectional or unidirectional. Propagating time from one node to another forms a hierarchical graph with reference clocks at the top.
Having available several time sources, NTP can select the best candidates to build its estimate of the current time. The protocol is highly accurate, using a resolution of less than a nanosecond
Install ntp
You can easily install NTP (Network Time Protocol, a means of transmitting time signals over a computer network) using yum command under Redhat or CentOS/Fedora core Linux.
# yum install ntp
# chkconfig ntpd on
# ntpdate
# /etc/init.d/ntpd start
Make sure that you have opened the ports 13 and 123
*download ntp files from
*./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/sbin \
--sysconfdir=/etc &&
make check
*make install
configurajtion file
?Set dat and time in different time zone
vi /usr/share/zoneinfo/Singapore
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Singapore /etc/localtime
unlink /etc/localtime
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Singapore /etc/localtime
date monthdatetime
Synchronizing the Time
There are two options. Option one is to run ntpd continuously and allow it to synchronize the time in a gradual manner. The other option is to run ntpd periodically (using cron) and update the time each time ntpd is scheduled.
If you choose Option one, then install the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ntp init script included in the blfs-bootscripts-6.1 package.
make install-ntp
If you prefer to run ntpd periodically, add the following command to root's crontab:
ntpd -q
Installed Programs: ntp-keygen, ntp-wait, ntpd, ntpdate, ntpdc, ntpq, ntptime, ntptrace, and tickadj
Installed Libraries: None
Installed Directory: /usr/share/doc/ntp-4.2.0
Short Descriptions
generates cryptographic data files used by the NTPv4 authentication and identification schemes.
is useful at boot time, to delay the boot sequence until ntpd has set the time.
is a NTP daemon that runs in the background and keeps the date and time synchronized based on response from configured NTP servers. It also functions as a NTP server.
is a client program that sets the date and time based on the response from an NTP server. This command is deprecated.
is used to query the NTP daemon about its current state and to request changes in that state.
is an utility program used to monitor ntpd operations and determine performance.
reads and displays time-related kernel variables.
traces a chain of NTP servers back to the primary source.
reads, and optionally modifies, several timekeeping-related variables in older kernels that do not have support for precision timekeeping.
FTP server installation and introduction
* Download the rpm.
* Install the rpm.
* Edit the .conf file.
* Start the ftp server.
* Test the connection.
Download the RPM
There are many ftp servers available for Linux. Most ftp servers do the same thing so the choice is really up to you. The ftp server that I like to use is vsftpd. The rpm is usually available from the installation discs or can be downloaded from rpmfind or just use google. vsftpd is used by many large companies as the ftp server of choice and is very secure (it's part of the name so it must be true, right?).
Install the ftp server.
First check to see if VSFTPD is already installed on your machine, this is easily done by using:
root@cartman> rpm -q vsftpd
The system will tell you if the server is installed or not. If you get this message 'package vsftpd is not installed' then you will need to install the ftp server.
First download the latest version of VSFTPD from your preferred mirror and save it to e.g. /tmp on the server. The ftp directory structure required for your repository is unlikely to exist yet so you will need to create the repository directories that you planned out above, for example:
root@cartman> mkdir -p /var/ftp/pub/9/updates/
(the -p flag tells mkdir to create the whole tree of directories as required).
To install/upgrade the ftp server run the following as root:
root@cartman>rpm -Uvh /tmp/vsftpd-1.1.3-8.i386.rpm
Note that one will want this rpm to be in a repository the server itself uses to yum update from in the long run. It is very likely to be in a primary distribution repository you mirror, but you may have to put it in a local/update repository you maintain yourself from some other source.
(You can of course use rpm -ivh vsftpd-1.1.3-8.i386.rpm to install the package if the package is not already installed. The flag -U is for upgrade and -i is for install. No big deal, they will both work if the package does not exist on your system, IMHO -U is just better practise. It is not a good idea to use rpm -i if a previous version of the package already exists on your system.)
Edit the vsftpd.conf file
After the ftp package has been installed you will need to edit the vsftp.conf file. This is usually found at /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf. If it is not here then just run:
jdip@cartman>rpm -ql vsftpd
and look in the list where the .conf file is. To edit the .conf file you can use kate, gedit, vi or any other text editor. This is the configuration file for the ftp server. You will need to be root to change the file:
root@cartman>vi /etc/vftp/vsftp.conf
If your network is secure and behind a firewall then you can leave the following option in the .conf file. This option allows for anonymous ftp access to your server:
# Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out).
You can also change the welcome message of the ftp server.
# You may fully customise the login banner string:
ftpd_banner=Welcome to yum FTP service.
If you want increased security for your ftp server then set the flag anonymous_enable=NO. This will force the user to log into the ftp server to get access to the packages. If you want to use this option then you will need to create a yum user on the server that can be used by the yum client to access the server. It is prudent to make users log into the ftp server, but if this is your private server then it may not be necessary.
Save the .conf file.
You will need to (re)start the service to activate the changes to the ftp server (see next section).
Start the server
If you installed VSFTPD from the rpm then VSFTPD can be started as a service:
root@cartman>service vsftpd restart
You should get this message:
Shutting down vsftpd: [ OK ] or [ FAILED ]
Starting vsftpd for vsftpd: [ OK ]
You will want your ftp server to start every time you start Linux so it is also prudent to run:
root@cartman>chkconfig vsftpd on
root@cartman>chkconfig --list vsftpd
You should get a message that looks like this:
vsftpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
Your ftp server will now start every time you start Linux on this machine. The ftp server is up and waiting for connections.
Testing the FTP server
It is a good idea to test that the ftp server is working correctly. This is easily done by logging onto the ftp server:
Connected to (
220 Welcome to yum FTP service.
Name ( anonymous
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
If you type ls at the prompt you will see that you are in the 'pub' directory. This is /var/ftp/pub. This path (and the full path of the repository you're setting up) are important to remember for when you use rsync to build the mirrors, for when you use yum-arch to "yummify" the repository (see below), and for setting up a local yum.conf for your local clients so that they can update from this ftp-based repository.
That is it. The ftp server is running and waiting for connections. Skip ahead to where it describes how to get and install yum and yummify the repository.
#yum install ftpserver
#useradd -d "directory name" user_name
#passwd user_name
[root@bigboy tmp]# /etc/init.d/vsftpd start
[root@bigboy tmp]# /etc/init.d/vsftpd stop
[root@bigboy tmp]# /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart
[root@bigboy tmp]# chkconfig vsftpd on
root@u-bigboy:/tmp# sysv-rc-conf on
Testing the Status of VSFTPD
[root@bigboy root]# netstat -a | grep ftp
tcp 0 0 *:ftp *:* LISTEN
[root@bigboy root]#
FTP Security Issues
FTP has a number of security drawbacks, but you can overcome them in some cases. You can restrict an individual Linux user's access to non-anonymous FTP, and you can change the configuration to not display the FTP server's software version information, but unfortunately, though very convenient, FTP logins and data transfers are not encrypted.
The /etc/vsftpd.ftpusers File
For added security, you may restrict FTP access to certain users by adding them to the list of users in the /etc/vsftpd.ftpusers file. The VSFTPD package creates this file with a number of entries for privileged users that normally shouldn't have FTP access. As FTP doesn't encrypt passwords, thereby increasing the risk of data or passwords being compromised, it is a good idea to let these entries remain and add new entries for additional security.
Anonymous Upload
If you want remote users to write data to your FTP server, then you should create a write-only directory within /var/ftp/pub. This will allow your users to upload but not access other files uploaded by other users. The commands you need are:
[root@bigboy tmp]# mkdir /var/ftp/pub/upload
[root@bigboy tmp]# chmod 722 /var/ftp/pub/upload
FTP Greeting Banner
Change the default greeting banner in the vsftpd.conf file to make it harder for malicious users to determine the type of system you have. The directive in this file is.
ftpd_banner= New Banner Here
Troubleshooting FTP
You should always test your FTP installation by attempting to use an FTP client to log in to your FTP server to transfer sample files.
The most common sources of day-to-day failures are incorrect usernames and passwords.
Initial setup failures could be caused by firewalls along the path between the client and server blocking some or all types of FTP traffic. Typical symptoms of this are either connection timeouts or the ability to use the ls command to view the contents of a directory without the ability to either upload or download files. Follow the firewall rule guidelines to help overcome this problem. Connection problems could also be the result of typical network issues outlined in Chapter 4, "Simple Network Troubleshooting".
FTP has many uses, one of which is allowing numerous unknown users to download files. You have to be careful, because you run the risk of accidentally allowing unknown persons to upload files to your server. This sort of unintended activity can quickly fill up your hard drive with illegal software, images, and music for the world to download, which in turn can clog your server's Internet access and drive up your bandwidth charges.
FTP Users with Only Read Access to a Shared Directory
In this example, anonymous FTP is not desired, but a group of trusted users need to have read only access to a directory for downloading files. Here are the steps:
1) Disable anonymous FTP. Comment out the anonymous_enable line in the vsftpd.conf file like this:
# Allow anonymous FTP?
2) Enable individual logins by making sure you have the local_enable line uncommented in the vsftpd.conf file like this:
# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.
3) Start VSFTP.
[root@bigboy tmp]# service vsftpd start
4) Create a user group and shared directory. In this case, use /home/ftp-users and a user group name of ftp-users for the remote users
[root@bigboy tmp]# groupadd ftp-users
[root@bigboy tmp]# mkdir /home/ftp-docs
5) Make the directory accessible to the ftp-users group.
[root@bigboy tmp]# chmod 750 /home/ftp-docs
[root@bigboy tmp]# chown root:ftp-users /home/ftp-docs
6) Add users, and make their default directory /home/ftp-docs
[root@bigboy tmp]# useradd -g ftp-users -d /home/ftp-docs user1
[root@bigboy tmp]# useradd -g ftp-users -d /home/ftp-docs user2
[root@bigboy tmp]# useradd -g ftp-users -d /home/ftp-docs user3
[root@bigboy tmp]# useradd -g ftp-users -d /home/ftp-docs user4
[root@bigboy tmp]# passwd user1
[root@bigboy tmp]# passwd user2
[root@bigboy tmp]# passwd user3
[root@bigboy tmp]# passwd user4
7) Copy files to be downloaded by your users into the /home/ftp-docs directory
8) Change the permissions of the files in the /home/ftp-docs directory for read only access by the group
[root@bigboy tmp]# chown root:ftp-users /home/ftp-docs/*
[root@bigboy tmp]# chmod 740 /home/ftp-docs/*
Users should now be able to log in via FTP to the server using their new usernames and passwords. If you absolutely don't want any FTP users to be able to write to any directory, then you should set the write_enable line in your vsftpd.conf file to no:
write_enable = NO
Remember, you must restart VSFTPD for the configuration file changes to take effect.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Forgot root passoword! Recovering
- Forgot root password recover linux root password.
Boot into single usermode or boot using rescue disk.
If Grub is password protected then use the rescue disk, chroot /mnt/sysimage, then use the passwd command.
If Grub is not password protected, then you can login to single usermode by appending an "S" to the end of the kernel line that you have to boot. Select the kernel that you wish to boot with and press 'e'.
Now append an 'S' to the end of the line, press Return, and then 'b', once the system is booted into single usermode you can use the passwd command to reset the root password.
On debian base system you can use the following method
Choose the kernel you want to boot
Press "e" to edit
Press the "end" button type in a comma space ", " and then type "single"
Zimbra provides open source email and calendar groupware software, Zimbra is a popular choice for Linux and Mac OS X email servers.
Install for ubuntu
rm -f /bin/sh
ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
apt-get install curl fetchmail libpcre3 libgmp3c2 libexpat1 libxml2 libtie-ixhash-perl and download the Ubuntu 6 (.tgz) package to /usr/src, for
cd /usr/src
tar xvfz zcs-4.5.3_GA_733.UBUNTU6.tgz
cd zcs/
To test if all Zimbra services are running, become the zimbra user
su - zimbra
and run
zmcontrol status
If not all services are started, run
zmcontrol start
- Zimbra comes with a web interface for the administrator ( and normal users (
- and
- You can now open a browser and open the Zimbra Administrator web interface. The URL is
Log in with the username admin and the password you specified during the Zimbra installation:
Uninstall Zimbra
If you want to uninstall Zimbra, do it like this:
Go the the Zimbra installation directory :
cd /usr/src/zcs
Then run
./ -u
and delete the Zimbra installation directory afterwards:
cd /usr/src
rm -rf zcs
Zimbra Documentation:
Zimbra Wiki: Zimbra_RedHat5_Downloads_Moved_README.txt
What happens during install
[root@washington zcs]# ./
chown: `zimbra:zimbra': invalid user
Operations logged to /tmp/install.log.16825
Checking for existing installation...
zimbra-ldap...NOT FOUND
zimbra-logger...NOT FOUND
zimbra-mta...NOT FOUND
zimbra-snmp...NOT FOUND
zimbra-store...NOT FOUND
zimbra-apache...NOT FOUND
zimbra-spell...NOT FOUND
zimbra-core...NOT FOUND
License Terms for the Zimbra Collaboration Suite:
Press Return to continue
Checking for prerequisites...
sudo...FOUND sudo-1.6.7p5-30.1.3
libidn...FOUND libidn-0.5.6-1
curl...FOUND curl-7.12.1-5
fetchmail...FOUND fetchmail-6.2.5-6
gmp...FOUND gmp-4.1.4-3
compat-libstdc++-296...FOUND compat-libstdc++- 296-2.96-132.7.2
compat-libstdc++-33...FOUND compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3
Checking for installable packages
Found zimbra-core
Found zimbra-ldap
Found zimbra-logger
Found zimbra-mta
Found zimbra-snmp
Found zimbra-store
Found zimbra-apache
Found zimbra-spell
Select the packages to install
Install zimbra-ldap [Y] y
Install zimbra-logger [Y] y
Install zimbra-mta [Y] y
Install zimbra-snmp [Y] y
Install zimbra-store [Y] y
Install zimbra-spell [Y] y
Checking required space for zimbra-core
checking space for zimbra-store
You appear to be installing packages on a platform different
than the platform for which they were built
This platform is CentOS4
Packages found: zimbra-core-4.5.8_GA_1394.RHEL4-20071002233417.i386.rpm
This may or may not work
Install anyway? [N] y
The system will be modified. Continue? [N] y
Removing /opt/zimbra
Installing packages
Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup.log.20428
Setting defaults...No results returned for A lookup of
Checked nameservers:
DNS ERROR resolving
It is suggested that the hostname be resolveable via DNS
Change hostname [Yes] No
DNS ERROR resolving MX for
It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS
Change domain name? [Yes] No
Checking for port conflicts
Port conflict detected: 25 (zimbra-mta)
Port conflicts detected! - Any key to continue
Main menu
1) Hostname:
2) Ldap master host:
3) Ldap port: 389
4) Ldap password: set
5) TimeZone: (GMT-08.00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
6) zimbra-ldap: Enabled
7) zimbra-store: Enabled
+Create Admin User: yes
+Admin user to create:
******* +Admin Password UNSET
+Enable automated spam training: yes
+Spam training user:
+Non-spam(Ham) training user:
+Global Documents Account:
+SMTP host:
+Web server HTTP port: 80
+Web server HTTPS port: 443
+Web server mode: http
+Enable POP/IMAP proxy: no
+IMAP server port: 143
+IMAP server SSL port: 993
+POP server port: 110
+POP server SSL port: 995
+Use spell check server: yes
+Spell server URL:
8) zimbra-mta: Enabled
9) zimbra-snmp: Enabled
10) zimbra-logger: Enabled
11) zimbra-spell: Enabled
r) Start servers after configuration yes
s) Save config to file
x) Expand menu
q) Quit
Address unconfigured (**) items (? - help)
Zimbar new release 5.0.1 is out.
-- Zimbra demo is at
Submit a bug at
Network Edition:
Open Source Edition:
Restore mailboxes, including the LDAP directory server, database, index directory, and message directory for each mailbox
The redo logs are a journal of every activity that has been logged.
You can restore the LDAP directory without restoring the message server
Each Zimbra server generates redo logs that contain every transaction processed by that server
The Zimbra default backup directory is /opt/zimbra/backup.
Perform full and incremental backups, restore the mail server, or restore the LDAP server
zmschedulebackup. This command is used to schedule full backups and incremental backups and add the backup schedule to your cron table.
zmbackupabort. This command stops a full backup that is in process.
zmbackupabort -r. This command stops an ongoing restore.
zmbackupquery. This command lists the information about ongoing and completed backups
zmrestore. This command executes a full or incremental restore to the Zimbra mail server. The zmrestore command is performed on a server that is running.
zmrestoreldap. This command restores the complete LDAP directory server, including accounts, domains, servers, COS and other data.
Enter the command zmschedulebackup -D for the default schedule.
zmbackup. This command executes full or incremental backup of the mail server.
By default, the backup files are saved to the server's backup directory. /opt/zimbra/backup
Steps to backup the message store, the database, the indexes, and the LDAP directory
You can use the zmbackupquery command to check the status of the running backup at any time.
Incremental backups are run using the CLI command, zmbackup
Perform a full backup of all mailboxes on server1 to target at /mnt/disk.
zmbackup -f -s -a all -t /mnt/disk
Perform incremental backup of all mailboxes on server1 since last full backup.
zmbackup -i -s -a all -t /mnt/disk
Perform full backup of only user1's mailbox on server1, to the default backup target
zmbackup -f -s -a
Perform incremental backup of user1's mailbox on server1, to the default backup target.
zmbackup -i -s -a
The zmbackupquery command is used to find full backup sets
The backup session temporary file can be found at
zmbackupabort to stop a backup that is in progress
use zmbackupquery to find the label name
zmbackupabort -lb backup200507121559510 -s server1
Zimbra Upgarde.
The upgrade script will remove any zimlets that are not compatible with Zimbra 5.0. Skins from 4.5 also may not work under 5.0
Zimbra Download.
The Jetty Web Server is now used as the server container that the zimbra software runs within.
Domains name can be changed fromt he zmprov cli command
Ngnix is now used to support more scalable POP/IMAP proxy
memcache is dhipped as the caching layer to cache LDAP lookups.
Server should firewall setup up properly.
Zimbar administrative port number is 7071
Migrations of exchange server email accounts from Exchange 2000, 2003, Lotus Domino can be done.
Users can import the .pst file that they are using with outlook.
After the backup is done the server also need to be backed up.
Upgrading zimbra will not delete the accounts or make changes to the configuraions
Configurations settings are stored in LDAP
All custom made changes will be removed -- themes, logo, crontabs etc.
How to check the zimbra Database Integrity Check.
Check the mysql database using the command zmdbintegrityreport prior to making any system changes.
- Upgarde service automatically stops and starts the servce.
- Use the (nohup) command while running the upgarde, so that it is immune to hangups.
- You have to do the backup first before you do an upgrade.
-- For multi server upgarde
- Stop all the server in the zcs environment.
- zmcontrol stop
- Upgarde process -- LDAP serer, Mail, Store Serer and then the MTA Server.
-- For MAC machines:
/opt/zimbra/libexec/ is the ZCS configuration upgrade.
To check the status of the server run the command zmcontrol status Or to start the service type zmcontrol start
To see the password on a serve, type zmlocalconfig -s