Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Disbable Direct Root Login

1. Make sure you add your admin user to the 'wheel' group

2. Copy and paste this line to edit the file for SSH logins
pico -w /etc/ssh/sshd_config

3. Find the line
Protocol 2, 1

4. Uncomment it and change it to look like
Protocol 2

5. Next, find the line
PermitRootLogin yes

6. Uncomment it and make it look like PermitRootLogin no

7. Save the file Ctrl+X then Y then enter

8. Now you can restart SSH
/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd restart

Now, no one will be able to login to root with out first
loggin in as admin and 'su -' to root, and you will be
forcing the use of a more secure protocol. Just make sure
you remember both passwords!

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